Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Behind the scenes: thwarted plans

One of the outtakes from my photoshoot yesterday, SOOC.

day 7--fly, Snow White
The final image of "day 7--fly, Snow White"

Yesterday, I wanted to go to a woodsy area to take a photo of myself running away from the camera. Unfortunately, due to the warm spell Anchorage has had this past week (with temperatures around and above freezing!), the snow in our driveway became soft. All winter it has been frozen and compacted and easy to drive on. Unfortunately, my car doesn't have a very high clearance and while I have snow tires, it wasn't enough when I sank into the soft snow! I spent well over a half hour digging the snow out from around my car and attempting to back out of the driveway to the road. Eventually, I gave up and had to get myself back up the driveway and into the garage. By this time, I was losing light and had to make due with taking a photo in my backyard and compositing it into a background I had taken back in November. It wasn't exactly what I wanted to do, but thanks to Photoshop I was able to make an image that conformed with the vision I had in my head.

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